
2 Picanha Rump Steaks 8oz

Original price was: £13.00.Current price is: £12.00.

Picanha Rump Steaks are hugely popular in Brazil, pronounced “pee-kahn-yah” is one of the most flavourful cuts of beef you will find. The beauty of this steak is that it is an impressive, but relatively cheap cut that can feed plenty and impress your guests at the same time.

Picanha Steaks have a deep, rich flavour and are a firm favourite with barbecue lovers everywhere.

This is not a cut you will find at your local supermarket and if you haven’t tried it yet, then why not?. We promise it will not disappoint!


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Picanha Rump Steaks are hugely popular in Brazil, pronounced “pee-kahn-yah” is one of the most flavourful cuts of beef you will find. The beauty of this steak is that it is an impressive, but relatively cheap cut that can feed plenty and impress your guests at the same time.

Picanha Steaks have a deep, rich flavour and are a firm favourite with barbecue lovers everywhere.

This is not a cut you will find at your local supermarket and if you haven’t tried it yet, then why not?. We promise it will not disappoint!