Serves: 4-6 as a snack Prep Time: 20 MINUTES Cooking Time: 30 MINUTES
2 x 6oz Gammon Steaks
1 x small pineapple
1 x lime – zest and juice
1 x red chilli – deseeded and finely diced
Small handful of coriander – chopped
2 x Tbls olive oil
200g x self raising flour
200g x natural yoghurt
Sea salt
1 x small red onion – finely diced
40g x butter
Cooking oil
For the Pineapple Salsa
Preheat the oven to 190c. Using a sharp knife, carefully top and tail the pineapple and cut the skin off using the knife. Remove the ‘eyes’ of the pineapple with the tip of a knife or carefully cut the ‘eyes’ out by cutting diagonal grooves either side of the lines of eyes and pulling them out. Cut the pineapple into 4 long quarters and remove the inner core. In an oven-proof frying pan, heat 20g of butter and a drizzle of cooking oil. Brown the pineapple on all sides before placing the pan into the oven for 20 minutes. Baste the pineapple every few minutes with the pan juices and remove the pineapple once it is tender. Set aside until cool. Once cool enough to handle, dice the pineapple into small cubes and place it in a small mixing bowl with the onion, 1 Tbls olive oil, the diced chilli, the onion, lime and coriander. Stir to combine and set aside at room temperature until required.
For the flatbreads
In a bowl, mix together the flour, yoghurt, 1 Tbls olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Once combined, knead gently to form a smooth dough. Rest for the dough for 10 minutes. Divide the dough into 16 little balls. On a floured surface, roll each ball into a flat disc and place each disc in a hot skillet or griddle pan to cook. Once the flatbreads begin to puff up
and are slightly charred, flip them over and cook them on the other side. Set them aside until required.
For the Gammon
In a hot pan or griddle, sear the gammon steaks and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side. Remove the steaks from the pan and rest somewhere warm.
To serve
Preheat your oven to 190c. Place the flatbreads onto an oven tray and top each one with a tiny knob of butter. Reheat them for 3-4 minutes until spongy and warmed through.. Slice your rested gammon steaks into thin diagonal slices and place them on to the flatbreads. Top each flatbread with the pineapple salsa and any extra coriander or chilli you might have left.